Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский

express intention

  • 1 положительно выраженное намерение

    Русско-английский юридический словарь > положительно выраженное намерение

  • 2 В-254

    ВОЛЯ ВАША (ТВОЙ) coll ( these forms only)
    1. ( indep. sent) (said in response to s.o. 's statement expressing or implying his intention to act in a certain way) you can do whatever you want to: (do) as you wish (please)
    do as you like itfs up to you suit yourself (-selves) have it your way.
    «Много ль за часы-то, Алёна Ивановна?»... - «Полтора рубля-с и процент вперёд, коли хотите-с». - «Полтора рубля!» - вскрикнул молодой человек. «Ваша воля». - И старуха протянула ему обратно часы (Достоевский 3). uDo I get much for the watch then, Alyona Ivanovna?"..."One and a half rubles with interest in advance, if you like." uOne and a half rubles!" cried the young man. "It's up to you," and the old woman handed the watch back to him (3a).
    2. (sent adv
    usu. parenth) fixed WO
    used to express the speaker's refusal to do what has been suggested or demanded
    also used to express the speaker's disagreement with or objection to some statement, action etc that he considers unreasonable, ludicrous etc
    say what you will (like, want) (, but...)
    (you may (can)) think what you will (wish) (, but...)
    (in limited contexts) thatis all very well, but... Вот этого самого незнакомца в берете, воля ваша, Стёпа в своем кабинете вчера никак не видал (Булгаков 9). Say what you will, out Styopa had not seen this stranger in the beret at his office at all (9a).
    «Угодно вам заряжать?» - спросил Павел Петрович, вынимая из ящика пистолеты. «Нет заряжайте вы, а я шаги отмеривать стану... Раз, два, три...» - «Евгений Васильич, — с трудом пролепетал Пётр (он дрожал, как в лихорадке), -воля ваша, я отойду». - «Четыре... пять... Отойди, братец, отойди...» (Тургенев 2). "Would you care to load?" inquired Pavel Petrovich, taking the pistols out of the box. "No, you load while I measure out the paces....One, two, three..." "Please sir," Piotr faltered with an effort (he was trembling as if he had fever) "say what you like, but I am going farther off." "Four...five...all right, move away, my good fellow, move away..." (3c).
    Но только, воля ваша, здесь не мёртвые души, здесь скрывается что-то другое» (Гоголь 3). "You may think what you will, but this is not a matter of dead souls, there is something else behind all this" (3c).
    «...Намерен я тебя женить». - «На ком это, батюшка?» - спросил изумлённый Алексей. - «На Лизавете Григорьевне Муромской...» -«Воля ваша, Лиза Муромская мне вовсе не нравится». -«После понравится. Стерпится, слюбится» (Пушкин 3). "...I intend to get you a wife." "Who would that be, father?" asked the astonished Aleksei. "Lizaveta Grigorevna Muromskaia...." "That's all very well, but I don't like Liza Muromskaia in the least." "You'll grow to like her. Love comes with time" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-254

  • 3 воля ваша

    ВОЛЯ ВАША < ТВОЙ> coll
    [these forms only]
    1. [indep. sent]
    (said in response to s.o.'s statement expressing or implying his intention to act in a certain way) you can do whatever you want to:
    - have it your way.
         ♦ "Много ль за часы-то, Алёна Ивановна?"... - "Полтора рубля-с и процент вперёд, коли хотите-с". - "Полтора рубля!" - вскрикнул молодой человек. "Ваша воля". - И старуха протянула ему обратно часы (Достоевский 3). "Do I get much for the watch then, Alyona Ivanovna?"..."One and a half rubles with interest in advance, if you like." "One and a half rubles!" cried the young man. "It's up to you," and the old woman handed the watch back to him (3a).
    2. [sent adv (usu. parenth); fixed WO]
    used to express the speaker's refusal to do what has been suggested or demanded; also used to express the speaker's disagreement with or objection to some statement, action etc that he considers unreasonable, ludicrous etc:
    - say what you will (like, want) (, but...);
    - (you may < can>) think what you will (wish) (, but...);
    - [in limited contexts] that is all very well, but...
         ♦ Вот этого самого незнакомца в берете, воля ваша, Стёпа в своем кабинете вчера никак не видал (Булгаков 9). Say what you will, out Styopa had not seen this stranger in the beret at his office at all (9a).
         ♦ "Угодно вам заряжать?" - спросил Павел Петрович, вынимая из ящика пистолеты. "Нет; заряжайте вы, а я шаги отмеривать стану... Раз, два, три..." - "Евгений Васильич, - с трудом пролепетал Пётр (он дрожал, как в лихорадке), - воля ваша, я отойду". - " Четыре... пять... Отойди, братец, отойди..." (Тургенев 2). "Would you care to load?" inquired Pavel Petrovich, taking the pistols out of the box. "No, you load while I measure out the paces....One, two, three..." "Please sir," Piotr faltered with an effort (he was trembling as if he had fever) "say what you like, but I am going farther off." "Four...five...all right, move away, my good fellow, move away..." (Зс).
         ♦ "Но только, воля ваша, здесь не мёртвые души, здесь скрывается что-то другое" (Гоголь 3). "You may think what you will, but this is not a matter of dead souls; there is something else behind all this" (3c).
         ♦ "...Намерен я тебя женить". - "На ком это, батюшка?" - спросил изумлённый Алексей. - "На Лизавете Григорьевне Муромской..." - "Воля ваша, Лиза Муромская мне вовсе не нравится". - "После понравится. Стерпится, слюбится" (Пушкин 3). "...I intend to get you a wife." "Who would that be, father?" asked the astonished Aleksei. "Lizaveta Grigorevna Muromskaia...." "That's all very well, but I don't like Liza Muromskaia in the least." "You'll grow to like her. Love comes with time" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > воля ваша

  • 4 воля твоя

    ВОЛЯ ВАША < ТВОЙ> coll
    [these forms only]
    1. [indep. sent]
    (said in response to s.o.'s statement expressing or implying his intention to act in a certain way) you can do whatever you want to:
    - have it your way.
         ♦ "Много ль за часы-то, Алёна Ивановна?"... - "Полтора рубля-с и процент вперёд, коли хотите-с". - "Полтора рубля!" - вскрикнул молодой человек. "Ваша воля". - И старуха протянула ему обратно часы (Достоевский 3). "Do I get much for the watch then, Alyona Ivanovna?"..."One and a half rubles with interest in advance, if you like." "One and a half rubles!" cried the young man. "It's up to you," and the old woman handed the watch back to him (3a).
    2. [sent adv (usu. parenth); fixed WO]
    used to express the speaker's refusal to do what has been suggested or demanded; also used to express the speaker's disagreement with or objection to some statement, action etc that he considers unreasonable, ludicrous etc:
    - say what you will (like, want) (, but...);
    - (you may < can>) think what you will (wish) (, but...);
    - [in limited contexts] that is all very well, but...
         ♦ Вот этого самого незнакомца в берете, воля ваша, Стёпа в своем кабинете вчера никак не видал (Булгаков 9). Say what you will, out Styopa had not seen this stranger in the beret at his office at all (9a).
         ♦ "Угодно вам заряжать?" - спросил Павел Петрович, вынимая из ящика пистолеты. "Нет; заряжайте вы, а я шаги отмеривать стану... Раз, два, три..." - "Евгений Васильич, - с трудом пролепетал Пётр (он дрожал, как в лихорадке), - воля ваша, я отойду". - " Четыре... пять... Отойди, братец, отойди..." (Тургенев 2). "Would you care to load?" inquired Pavel Petrovich, taking the pistols out of the box. "No, you load while I measure out the paces....One, two, three..." "Please sir," Piotr faltered with an effort (he was trembling as if he had fever) "say what you like, but I am going farther off." "Four...five...all right, move away, my good fellow, move away..." (Зс).
         ♦ "Но только, воля ваша, здесь не мёртвые души, здесь скрывается что-то другое" (Гоголь 3). "You may think what you will, but this is not a matter of dead souls; there is something else behind all this" (3c).
         ♦ "...Намерен я тебя женить". - "На ком это, батюшка?" - спросил изумлённый Алексей. - "На Лизавете Григорьевне Муромской..." - "Воля ваша, Лиза Муромская мне вовсе не нравится". - "После понравится. Стерпится, слюбится" (Пушкин 3). "...I intend to get you a wife." "Who would that be, father?" asked the astonished Aleksei. "Lizaveta Grigorevna Muromskaia...." "That's all very well, but I don't like Liza Muromskaia in the least." "You'll grow to like her. Love comes with time" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > воля твоя

  • 5 оговорка оговор·ка

    1) (обмолвка) slip of the tongue
    2) юр. proviso, reservation, stipulation, condition, warranty

    делать оговорку — to make / to voice a reservation

    принять без оговорокto accept (smth.) without reservation

    снять оговорку — to withdraw / to omit a reservation

    согласиться на что-л. с одной оговоркой — to grant smth. with one qualification

    являться предметом оговорок (о договоре, соглашении и т.п.)to be subject to reservations

    арбитражная оговорка — arbitration / compromissary clause

    защитная / защитительная оговорка — safeguard clause

    избавительная оговорка (статья договора, позволяющая уклониться от выполнения условий договора или выйти из договора в случае чрезвычайных обстоятельств)escape clause

    компромиссная оговорка, оговорка о компромиссах — compromise clause

    молчаливая / мысленная оговорка — tacit reserve

    оговорка Кальво (предоставляющая дипломатическую защиту в договорном порядке и распространяющая местное законодательство на иностранцев в целях обеспечения одинакового режима для граждан данной страны и иностранцев)Calvo clause

    оговорка, не имеющая юридической силы — invalid clause

    оговорка о неотмене (уже существующих внешнеторговых льгот и привилегий для развивающихся стран)standstill clause

    оговорка о неразглашении — secrecy clause / reservation

    оговорка, приложенная к ратификации — reservation attached to ratification

    положение(пункт, постановление) об оговорках reservations clause

    правовые нормы, регулирующие оговорки — law governing reservations

    с известными / с некоторыми оговорками — with certain modifications

    с оговоркой — with reserve / reservation

    Russian-english dctionary of diplomacy > оговорка оговор·ка

  • 6 прямой умысел

    1) Business: direct intention
    2) leg.N.P. express malice, specific intent

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > прямой умысел

  • 7 предумышление

    ( преднамерение) aforethought; premeditation; ( умысел) intent; intention; ( по отношению к убийству) express malice
    * * *

    Русско-английский юридический словарь > предумышление

  • 8 Т-103

    А ТО ( Invar
    1. Also: (A) HE ТО
    coord Conj, connective-contrastive introduces a clause with the verb in fut or subjunctive) used to introduce a clause indicating what will happen (would happen, or would have happened) if the order, intention etc contained in the preceding clause is not (were not, or had not been) carried out or used to introduce a clause indicating what would occur (would have occurred) if the situation in the preceding clause were (had been) different: or else or otherwise (in limited contexts) if not.
    "А ты тут лучше не ходи и не путайся под ногами, а то и тебя возьмем как соучастницу» (Войнович 4). "And you better stop coming here and getting under our feet or else we'll pick you up, too, as an accessory" (4a).
    «Лучше я отсяду от него, - сказал Тимур, шумно вставая, - а то этот человек доведет меня до преступления!» (Искандер 5). "I'd better sit somewhere else," Timur said, noisily getting to his feet, "or this man will drive me to a crime!" (5a).
    Руки у меня связаны, - горько жаловался он (градоначальник) глуповцам, - а то узнали бы вы у меня, где раки зимуют!» (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "My hands are tied," he (the governor) complained bitterly to the Glupovites. "Otherwise I'd give you something to remember me by!" (1b).
    «Обижаешь старуху. Я ведь тебя еще маленькую в колыске (Ukrainian = в колыбели) качала. Ты уж лучше пусти, не то закричу» (Войнович 2). ( context transl) "You're insulting an old woman You know, I used to rock you in your cradle. Better let me go before I start shouting" (2a).
    subord Conj introduces a clause of reason) for the reason that: because (may be omitted in transl).
    "И сейчас еще говорит, но только все меньше и меньше, так что пользуйтесь случаем, а то он скоро совсем умолкнет» (Булгаков 11). "Не still speaks, but less and less. I would suggest you take advantage of the moment, because he'll soon grow silent altogether" (11a).
    (Аркадина:) Костя, закрой окно, а то дует (Чехов 6). (A.:) Kostya, shut the window, it's drafty (6c).
    3. substand. Also: (A) HE T() substand
    coord Conj, disjunctive) used to indicate an alternative
    or even (maybe)).
    (Рисположенский:) Да вы мне еще полторы тысячи должны... Давайте деньги, а то документ (Островский 10). (R.:) You still owe me fifteen hundred rubles...Give me the money, or a note for it (10b).
    coord Conj, contrastive) used to indicate that the state of affairs expressed by the statement that follows is, in the speaker's opinion, abnormal, bad, or contrary to the way it should be, whereas the state of affairs expressed by the preceding context reflects the way things should be
    but (instead (on the contrary))
    rather than instead (of) while instead as it is.
    «Ты уж меня выручи, старика, Вить. В последний раз, а? Вить? Чего молчишь?» - «Не буду выручать, Архип Иваныч. Завязал». - «...Чего тебе завязывать-то? Еслибты какой бандит... был, а то — трудяга, шофер» (Семенов 1). "Do me a favour, Vic, do it for an old man. For the last time. Eh, Vic? Why don't you say something?" "I won't do you a favour, Arkhip Ivanich. I've quit." "What's the matter, Vic....It would be different if...you had been some sort of crook, but you're a hard worker, a driver" (1a).
    «Не хочется мне это делать». - «Ты бы так и говорил, а то придумываешь всякие отговорки». "I don't feel like doing this." "Then why didn't you say so instead of making up all kinds of excuses?"
    Анна Петровна:) Как бы папенька-то твой не мотал без памяти, так бы другое дело было, а то оставил нас почти ни с чем (Островский 1). (A.R:) If only your papa hadn't spent his money like water, then everything'd be different. As it is, he left us almost nothing at all (1a).
    5. Also: A HE ТО coll (Particle
    usu. foil. by imper or subjunctive) used to express mild inducement or an invitation to do sth.: do (+ a positive imper
    why not why don't you.
    6. coll (Particle
    usu. foil. by imper often used with пожалуй) used to introduce an expression of agreement with some suggestion after an initial refusal or vacillation: (or) well, perhaps (maybe) or perhaps well, actually, maybe well, all right.
    (Анна Ивановна:) Что ж это они не идут, соколы-то наши?.. Не сходить ли за ними? (Любовь Гордеевна:) Нет, не надо. А то, пожалуй, сходи. (Обнимает её.) Сходи-ка, Аннушка (Островский 2). (A.I:) What could be keeping them, our young gallants? Perhaps I ought to go for them? (L.G.:) Oh, no, don't. Or perhaps... (hugs her). Yes, do go, Anna (2b).
    7. coll, impol (Particle) obviously, of course (used with interrogative pronouns or adverbs as an affirmative response to a question)
    what (who, where etc) else
    who else's.
    «Это твоя книга?» - «А то чья же?» "Is this your book?" "Who else's?"

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Т-103

  • 9 Т-220

    (только) ЧЕРЕЗ МОЙ ТРУП! coll indep. clause Invar fixed WO
    used to express a categorical protest against s.o. 's intention to do sth. or to act in a specific way
    over my dead body! "(Редактор) Автандил Автандилович хотел с тобой расстаться, но я ему сказал: только через мой труп» (Искандер 6). "Avtandil Avtandilovich (the editor) wanted to bid you farewell, but I told him it would be over my dead body" (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Т-220

  • 10 а не то

    1. Also: (A) НЕ ТО [coord Conj, connective-contrastive; introduces a clause with the verb in fut or subjunctive]
    used to introduce a clause indicating what will happen (would happen, or would have happened) if the order, intention etc contained in the preceding clause is not (were not, or had not been) carried out; or used to introduce a clause indicating what would occur (would have occurred) if the situation in the preceding clause were (had been) different:
    - or;
    - [in limited contexts] if not.
         ♦ "А ты тут лучше не ходи и не путайся под ногами, а то и тебя возьмём как соучастницу" (Войнович 4). "And you better stop coming here and getting under our feet or else we'll pick you up, too, as an accessory" (4a).
         ♦ "Лучше я отсяду от него, - сказал Тимур, шумно вставая, - а то этот человек доведёт меня до преступления!" (Искандер 5). "I'd better sit somewhere else," Timur said, noisily getting to his feet, "or this man will drive me to a crime!" (5a).
         ♦ "Руки у меня связаны, - горько жаловался он [градоначальник] глуповцам, - а то узнали бы вы у меня, где раки зимуют!" (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "My hands are tied," he [the governor] complained bitterly to the Glupovites. "Otherwise I'd give you something to remember me by!" (1b).
         ♦ "Обижаешь старуху. Я ведь тебя еще маленькую в колыске [Ukrainian = в колыбели] качала. Ты уж лучше пусти, не то закричу" (Войнович 2). [context transl] "You're insulting an old woman You know, I used to rock you in your cradle. Better let me go before I start shouting" (2a).
    2. [subord conj; introduces a clause of reason]
    for the reason that:
    - [may be omitted in translation].
         ♦ "И сейчас ещё говорит, но только всё меньше и меньше, так что пользуйтесь случаем, а то он скоро совсем умолкнет" (Булгаков 11). "He still speaks, but less and less. I would suggest you take advantage of the moment, because he'll soon grow silent altogether" (11a).
         ♦ [Аркадина:] Костя, закрой окно, а то дует (Чехов 6). [A.:] Kostya, shut the window, it's drafty (6c).
    3. substand. Also: (А) НЕ ТО substand [coord Conj, disjunctive] used to indicate an alternative:
    - or;
    - or even (maybe).
         ♦ [Рисположенский:] Да вы мне ещё полторы тысячи должны... Давайте деньги, а то документ (Островский 10). [R.:] You still owe me fifteen hundred rubles...Give me the money, or a note for it (10b).
    4. [coord Conj, contrastive]
    used to indicate that the state of affairs expressed by the statement that follows is, in the speaker's opinion, abnormal, bad, or contrary to the way it should be, whereas the state of affairs expressed by the preceding context reflects the way things should be:
    - but (instead < on the contrary>);
    - as it is.
         ♦ "Ты уж меня выручи, старика, Вить. В последний раз, а? Вить? Чего молчишь?" - "Не буду выручать, Архип Иваныч. Завязал". - "...Чеготебезавязывать-то? Еслибты какой бандит... был, а то - трудяга, шофёр" (Семёнов 1). "Do me a favour, Vic, do it for an old man. For the last time. Eh, Vic? Why don't you say something?" "I won't do you a favour, Arkhip Ivanich. I've quit." "What's the matter, Vic....It would be different if...you had been some sort of crook, but you're a hard worker, a driver" (1a).
         ♦ "Не хочется мне это делать". - "Ты бы так и говорил, а то придумываешь всякие отговорки". "I don't feel like doing this." "Then why didn't you say so instead of making up all kinds of excuses?"
         ♦ [Анна Петровна:] Как бы папенька-то твой не мотал без памяти, так бы другое дело было, а то оставил нас почти ни с чем (Островский 1). [А.Р:] If only your papa hadn't spent his money like water, then everything'd be different. As it is, he left us almost nothing at all (1a).
    5. Also: А НЕ ТО coll [Particle; usu. foll. by Imper or subjunctive]
    used to express mild inducement or an invitation to do sth.:
    - do [+ a positive imper];
    - why don't you.
    6. coll [Particle; usu. foll. by imper; often used with пожалуй]
    used to introduce an expression of agreement with some suggestion after an initial refusal or vacillation:
    - (or) well, perhaps (maybe);
    - well, actually, maybe;
    - well, all right.
         ♦ [Анна Ивановна:] Что ж это они не идут, соколы-то наши?.. Не сходить ли за ними? [Любовь Гордеевна:] Нет, не надо. А то, пожалуй, сходи. (Обнимает её.) Сходи-ка, Аннушка (Островский 2). [A.I:] What could be keeping them, our young gallants? Perhaps I ought to go for them? [L.G.:] Oh, no, don't. Or perhaps... (hugs her). Yes, do go, Anna (2b).
    7. coll, impol [Particle]
    obviously, of course (used with interrogative pronouns or adverbs as an affirmative response to a question):
    - what (who, where etc) else;
    - who else's.
         ♦ "Это твоя книга?" - "А то чья же?" "Is this your book?" "Who else's?"

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > а не то

  • 11 а то

    1. Also: (А) НЕ ТО [coord Conj, connective-contrastive; introduces a clause with the verb in fut or subjunctive]
    used to introduce a clause indicating what will happen (would happen, or would have happened) if the order, intention etc contained in the preceding clause is not (were not, or had not been) carried out; or used to introduce a clause indicating what would occur (would have occurred) if the situation in the preceding clause were (had been) different:
    - or;
    - [in limited contexts] if not.
         ♦ "А ты тут лучше не ходи и не путайся под ногами, а то и тебя возьмём как соучастницу" (Войнович 4). "And you better stop coming here and getting under our feet or else we'll pick you up, too, as an accessory" (4a).
         ♦ "Лучше я отсяду от него, - сказал Тимур, шумно вставая, - а то этот человек доведёт меня до преступления!" (Искандер 5). "I'd better sit somewhere else," Timur said, noisily getting to his feet, "or this man will drive me to a crime!" (5a).
         ♦ "Руки у меня связаны, - горько жаловался он [градоначальник] глуповцам, - а то узнали бы вы у меня, где раки зимуют!" (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "My hands are tied," he [the governor] complained bitterly to the Glupovites. "Otherwise I'd give you something to remember me by!" (1b).
         ♦ "Обижаешь старуху. Я ведь тебя еще маленькую в колыске [Ukrainian = в колыбели] качала. Ты уж лучше пусти, не то закричу" (Войнович 2). [context transl] "You're insulting an old woman You know, I used to rock you in your cradle. Better let me go before I start shouting" (2a).
    2. [subord conj; introduces a clause of reason]
    for the reason that:
    - [may be omitted in translation].
         ♦ "И сейчас ещё говорит, но только всё меньше и меньше, так что пользуйтесь случаем, а то он скоро совсем умолкнет" (Булгаков 11). "He still speaks, but less and less. I would suggest you take advantage of the moment, because he'll soon grow silent altogether" (11a).
         ♦ [Аркадина:] Костя, закрой окно, а то дует (Чехов 6). [A.:] Kostya, shut the window, it's drafty (6c).
    3. substand. Also: (А) НЕ ТО substand [coord Conj, disjunctive] used to indicate an alternative:
    - or;
    - or even (maybe).
         ♦ [Рисположенский:] Да вы мне ещё полторы тысячи должны... Давайте деньги, а то документ (Островский 10). [R.:] You still owe me fifteen hundred rubles...Give me the money, or a note for it (10b).
    4. [coord Conj, contrastive]
    used to indicate that the state of affairs expressed by the statement that follows is, in the speaker's opinion, abnormal, bad, or contrary to the way it should be, whereas the state of affairs expressed by the preceding context reflects the way things should be:
    - but (instead < on the contrary>);
    - as it is.
         ♦ "Ты уж меня выручи, старика, Вить. В последний раз, а? Вить? Чего молчишь?" - "Не буду выручать, Архип Иваныч. Завязал". - "...Чеготебезавязывать-то? Еслибты какой бандит... был, а то - трудяга, шофёр" (Семёнов 1). "Do me a favour, Vic, do it for an old man. For the last time. Eh, Vic? Why don't you say something?" "I won't do you a favour, Arkhip Ivanich. I've quit." "What's the matter, Vic....It would be different if...you had been some sort of crook, but you're a hard worker, a driver" (1a).
         ♦ "Не хочется мне это делать". - "Ты бы так и говорил, а то придумываешь всякие отговорки". "I don't feel like doing this." "Then why didn't you say so instead of making up all kinds of excuses?"
         ♦ [Анна Петровна:] Как бы папенька-то твой не мотал без памяти, так бы другое дело было, а то оставил нас почти ни с чем (Островский 1). [А.Р:] If only your papa hadn't spent his money like water, then everything'd be different. As it is, he left us almost nothing at all (1a).
    5. Also: А НЕ ТО coll [Particle; usu. foll. by Imper or subjunctive]
    used to express mild inducement or an invitation to do sth.:
    - do [+ a positive imper];
    - why don't you.
    6. coll [Particle; usu. foll. by imper; often used with пожалуй]
    used to introduce an expression of agreement with some suggestion after an initial refusal or vacillation:
    - (or) well, perhaps (maybe);
    - well, actually, maybe;
    - well, all right.
         ♦ [Анна Ивановна:] Что ж это они не идут, соколы-то наши?.. Не сходить ли за ними? [Любовь Гордеевна:] Нет, не надо. А то, пожалуй, сходи. (Обнимает её.) Сходи-ка, Аннушка (Островский 2). [A.I:] What could be keeping them, our young gallants? Perhaps I ought to go for them? [L.G.:] Oh, no, don't. Or perhaps... (hugs her). Yes, do go, Anna (2b).
    7. coll, impol [Particle]
    obviously, of course (used with interrogative pronouns or adverbs as an affirmative response to a question):
    - what (who, where etc) else;
    - who else's.
         ♦ "Это твоя книга?" - "А то чья же?" "Is this your book?" "Who else's?"

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > а то

  • 12 не то

    1. Also: (А) НЕ ТО [coord Conj, connective-contrastive; introduces a clause with the verb in fut or subjunctive]
    used to introduce a clause indicating what will happen (would happen, or would have happened) if the order, intention etc contained in the preceding clause is not (were not, or had not been) carried out; or used to introduce a clause indicating what would occur (would have occurred) if the situation in the preceding clause were (had been) different:
    - or;
    - [in limited contexts] if not.
         ♦ "А ты тут лучше не ходи и не путайся под ногами, а то и тебя возьмём как соучастницу" (Войнович 4). "And you better stop coming here and getting under our feet or else we'll pick you up, too, as an accessory" (4a).
         ♦ "Лучше я отсяду от него, - сказал Тимур, шумно вставая, - а то этот человек доведёт меня до преступления!" (Искандер 5). "I'd better sit somewhere else," Timur said, noisily getting to his feet, "or this man will drive me to a crime!" (5a).
         ♦ "Руки у меня связаны, - горько жаловался он [градоначальник] глуповцам, - а то узнали бы вы у меня, где раки зимуют!" (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "My hands are tied," he [the governor] complained bitterly to the Glupovites. "Otherwise I'd give you something to remember me by!" (1b).
         ♦ "Обижаешь старуху. Я ведь тебя еще маленькую в колыске [Ukrainian = в колыбели] качала. Ты уж лучше пусти, не то закричу" (Войнович 2). [context transl] "You're insulting an old woman You know, I used to rock you in your cradle. Better let me go before I start shouting" (2a).
    2. [subord conj; introduces a clause of reason]
    for the reason that:
    - [may be omitted in translation].
         ♦ "И сейчас ещё говорит, но только всё меньше и меньше, так что пользуйтесь случаем, а то он скоро совсем умолкнет" (Булгаков 11). "He still speaks, but less and less. I would suggest you take advantage of the moment, because he'll soon grow silent altogether" (11a).
         ♦ [Аркадина:] Костя, закрой окно, а то дует (Чехов 6). [A.:] Kostya, shut the window, it's drafty (6c).
    3. substand. Also: (А) НЕ ТО substand [coord Conj, disjunctive] used to indicate an alternative:
    - or;
    - or even (maybe).
         ♦ [Рисположенский:] Да вы мне ещё полторы тысячи должны... Давайте деньги, а то документ (Островский 10). [R.:] You still owe me fifteen hundred rubles...Give me the money, or a note for it (10b).
    4. [coord Conj, contrastive]
    used to indicate that the state of affairs expressed by the statement that follows is, in the speaker's opinion, abnormal, bad, or contrary to the way it should be, whereas the state of affairs expressed by the preceding context reflects the way things should be:
    - but (instead < on the contrary>);
    - as it is.
         ♦ "Ты уж меня выручи, старика, Вить. В последний раз, а? Вить? Чего молчишь?" - "Не буду выручать, Архип Иваныч. Завязал". - "...Чеготебезавязывать-то? Еслибты какой бандит... был, а то - трудяга, шофёр" (Семёнов 1). "Do me a favour, Vic, do it for an old man. For the last time. Eh, Vic? Why don't you say something?" "I won't do you a favour, Arkhip Ivanich. I've quit." "What's the matter, Vic....It would be different if...you had been some sort of crook, but you're a hard worker, a driver" (1a).
         ♦ "Не хочется мне это делать". - "Ты бы так и говорил, а то придумываешь всякие отговорки". "I don't feel like doing this." "Then why didn't you say so instead of making up all kinds of excuses?"
         ♦ [Анна Петровна:] Как бы папенька-то твой не мотал без памяти, так бы другое дело было, а то оставил нас почти ни с чем (Островский 1). [А.Р:] If only your papa hadn't spent his money like water, then everything'd be different. As it is, he left us almost nothing at all (1a).
    5. Also: А НЕ ТО coll [Particle; usu. foll. by Imper or subjunctive]
    used to express mild inducement or an invitation to do sth.:
    - do [+ a positive imper];
    - why don't you.
    6. coll [Particle; usu. foll. by imper; often used with пожалуй]
    used to introduce an expression of agreement with some suggestion after an initial refusal or vacillation:
    - (or) well, perhaps (maybe);
    - well, actually, maybe;
    - well, all right.
         ♦ [Анна Ивановна:] Что ж это они не идут, соколы-то наши?.. Не сходить ли за ними? [Любовь Гордеевна:] Нет, не надо. А то, пожалуй, сходи. (Обнимает её.) Сходи-ка, Аннушка (Островский 2). [A.I:] What could be keeping them, our young gallants? Perhaps I ought to go for them? [L.G.:] Oh, no, don't. Or perhaps... (hugs her). Yes, do go, Anna (2b).
    7. coll, impol [Particle]
    obviously, of course (used with interrogative pronouns or adverbs as an affirmative response to a question):
    - what (who, where etc) else;
    - who else's.
         ♦ "Это твоя книга?" - "А то чья же?" "Is this your book?" "Who else's?"

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не то

  • 13 через мой труп!

    [indep. clause; Invar; fixed WO]
    used to express a categorical protest against s.o.'s intention to do sth. or to act in a specific way:
    - over my dead body!
         ♦ "[Редактор] Автандил Автандилович хотел с тобой расстаться, но я ему сказал: только через мой труп" (Искандер 6). "Avtandil Avtandilovich [the editor] wanted to bid you farewell, but I told him it would be over my dead body" (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > через мой труп!

  • 14 воля

    ( свобода) liberty
    - воля завещателя
    - виновная воля
    - добрая воля
    - народная воля
    - порочная воля
    - свободная воля

    вопреки чьей-л \воляе — against (in defiance of) smb’s will

    восполнять \воляю сторон — to add to the will of the parties

    выражать чью-л \воляю — to express smb’s will

    заведомо и по своей \воляе — knowingly and wilfully

    навязывать свою \воляю — to impose one’s will (on)

    по своей \воляе — of one’s own free will; voluntarily; wilfully

    Юридический русско-английский словарь > воля

  • 15 предумышление

    ( умысел) intent;

    Юридический русско-английский словарь > предумышление

  • 16 прямой умысел

    Русско-английский словарь по экономии > прямой умысел

  • 17 предумышление

    ( преднамерение) aforethought; premeditation; ( умысел) intent; intention; ( по отношению к убийству) express malice
    * * *

    Русско-английский юридический словарь > предумышление

  • 18 воля

    Русско-английский юридический словарь > воля

См. также в других словарях:

  • express — [[t]ɪkspre̱s[/t]] ♦♦ expresses, expressing, expressed 1) VERB When you express an idea or feeling, or express yourself, you show what you think or feel. [V n] He expressed grave concern at American attitudes... [V n] Sumner would greet us with… …   English dictionary

  • Express — Ex*press ([e^]ks*pr[e^]s ), a. [F. expr[ e]s, L. expressus, p. p. of exprimere to express; ex. out + premere To press. See {Press}.] 1. Exactly representing; exact. [1913 Webster] Their human countenance The express resemblance of the gods.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Express color — Express Ex*press ([e^]ks*pr[e^]s ), a. [F. expr[ e]s, L. expressus, p. p. of exprimere to express; ex. out + premere To press. See {Press}.] 1. Exactly representing; exact. [1913 Webster] Their human countenance The express resemblance of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • express covenants — express or implied covenants The former being those which are created by the express words of the parties to the deed declaratory of their intention, while implied covenants are those which are inferred by the law from certain words in a deed… …   Black's law dictionary

  • express or implied covenants — The former being those which are created by the express words of the parties to the deed declaratory of their intention, while implied covenants are those which are inferred by the law from certain words in a deed which imply (though they do not… …   Black's law dictionary

  • express covenants — express or implied covenants The former being those which are created by the express words of the parties to the deed declaratory of their intention, while implied covenants are those which are inferred by the law from certain words in a deed… …   Black's law dictionary

  • express or implied covenants — The former being those which are created by the express words of the parties to the deed declaratory of their intention, while implied covenants are those which are inferred by the law from certain words in a deed which imply (though they do not… …   Black's law dictionary

  • express contract — express and implied contracts An express contract is an actual agreement of the parties, the terms of which are openly uttered or declared at the time of making it, being stated in distinct and explicit language, either orally or in writing. An… …   Black's law dictionary

  • express and implied contracts — An express contract is an actual agreement of the parties, the terms of which are openly uttered or declared at the time of making it, being stated in distinct and explicit language, either orally or in writing. An implied contract is one not… …   Black's law dictionary

  • express contract — express and implied contracts An express contract is an actual agreement of the parties, the terms of which are openly uttered or declared at the time of making it, being stated in distinct and explicit language, either orally or in writing. An… …   Black's law dictionary

  • express and implied contracts — An express contract is an actual agreement of the parties, the terms of which are openly uttered or declared at the time of making it, being stated in distinct and explicit language, either orally or in writing. An implied contract is one not… …   Black's law dictionary

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